Reduce, Reuse, Recycle...In That Order!
Reducing our waste and our use of natural resources is the most important step in this process, and as such, should be the first one of the 3R's that we try to put into practice.
As humans, we are generating more trash than we know what to do with. Everything we buy comes wrapped in some sort of packaging, whether it be cardboard, plastic, or styrofoam.
Reducing our use of other resources such as fossil fuels, fresh water, electricity, is also important. Many of these resources come with a big ecological price tag.
Reducing our waste and our use of natural resources is the most important step in this process, and as such, should be the first one of the 3R's that we try to put into practice.
As humans, we are generating more trash than we know what to do with. Everything we buy comes wrapped in some sort of packaging, whether it be cardboard, plastic, or styrofoam.
Reducing our use of other resources such as fossil fuels, fresh water, electricity, is also important. Many of these resources come with a big ecological price tag.
Reusing and Repurposing:
Reusing old items for new purposes helps to extend their lifespan and reduce your use of new products. This helps to keep more trash out of the waste stream, as well as to reduce pollution and reduce extraction of natural resources needed to create new materials.